Project Costing & Job Management

These modules provide the core functionality for the management of your business through control of all costs and revenues by job for each and every client. These include optional modules for the control of the approval process for purchasing and job variations and for staff time recording.

Job Costing

Zavanti Job Costing is central to the creation and management of projects and sub-projects. Control your costs, keep track of your time and billing, boost revenues and manage jobs more efficiently.

The initial budget for the Job will be the estimate. The current budget acts as a baseline to the project. When an estimate is applied to a job, we can choose to create purchase orders from the estimate. Once Purchase Orders are issued against a Job, variations can be raised if required to change the budgets.

If required Authority Level checking is applied on each job to allow the Project Manager to set restrictions for other users. This might include setting maximum dollar values for the entry of variations, overruns on budget etc.

Zavanti Job Costing also fully supports the following features:

  • Feasibility Import
  • Invoicing
  • Purchasing
  • Task Management
  • Journal posting
  • Timesheets
  • Comprehensive Reporting
  • Retentions

Purchase Orders

As we progress through the Life cycle of a job, we need to determine our financial commitments. Zavanti ERP provides a Purchase Orders module that can create purchase orders automatically from an estimate and allows us to commit costs via purchase orders.

Once the budgets have been created, you can proceed to ordering materials for your project.

An Order is a request to a Supplier for stock or services. Zavanti allows you to keep track of pricing, deliveries and how much of the delivered stock has been invoiced or returned.

Purchase Orders can also be subjected to an approval process, which will depend upon the users authority levels.

Vouchers (Invoice pro formas)

Vouchers are designed to allow users to enter details of an invoice. Its main aim is to capture the date of receipt and to fast track the Accounts Payable process by allowing any user to perform data entry of the details of the invoice. Vouchers are used to record the receipt of invoices and can be linked to Contract or Progress Payment Certificates.

Sub-contractor Management

The Sub-Contract management module allows you to track contracts with sub-contractors. We can allocate contract budgets, link your contracts to your contacts, print contract related reports and so forth. Variations can be entered against Contracts as well as against a Job. Often a subcontractor will incur additional costs and these are entered as variations to the original contract.

When creating Progress Claim Certificates variations can also be claimed by percentage or dollar value. Approved variations are automatically included.

Users have the option to include “Discussion” and “Rejected” variations on Subcontractor Progress Claim Certificates.

Contract Management also supports Extensions of Time, for example due to bad weather, unforeseen construction circumstances, or at the client’s request.

You can also maintain registers of defects in Contract Management, to assess the quality of deliveries from your contractors.


Timesheets are integrated with Job Costing to allow the capture and reporting of time for employees and contractors as well as for items of equipment against specific projects. Timesheets can be integrated with Payroll to allow automatic creation of payruns. Users of Zavanti CRM have the ability to use our mobile timesheet module to eneter timesheets from any web browser or mobile device.